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MEMORY VERSE: “Let all things be done decently and in order.” – 1 Corinthians 14:40

BIBLE PASSAGE: Titus 2:6-8

INTRODUCTION: Marriage is the legal relationship between a husband and his wife that should last for a life time (Genesis 2:21-23). The ceremony is conducted to establish a legal marriage is called ‘Wedding’. How the wedding ceremony is conducted varies from culture to culture. However, there is a Christian culture (biblical practices common to Christianity) that intending couples and all believers should imbibe in other to be distinguished from worldly/ungodly practices. Today, we can hardly differentiate between the wedding ceremony among the ungodly and those who claim to be believers because of the perceived freedom or creativity. Our focus, therefore, is to provide a clue to what a Christian wedding ceremony should look like.




A Christian wedding ceremony can be individually tailored, but ought to include expressions of worship, reflections of joy, celebration, respect, dignity, and love (Philippians 4:4-5). Since, the bible gives no specific pattern or order to define exactly what should be included, there is room for your creative touches. The primary goal should be to give each guest a clear impression that you, as a couple, are making a solemn eternal covenant with each other before God. Your wedding ceremony should be a testimony of your lives before God, demonstrating your Christian values (Philippians 4:8-9).

A Christian couple who truly want to glorify Christ through their wedding should have started the preparations, beginning with biblical premarital counselling with their pastor. The wedding affirms before God and Friends and family that the couple’s desire is to live according to God plan for the family.

The wedding ceremony should also be a reflection of the couple’s commitment to bring glory to God. Every part of the service, from the music to the vows to the message delivered by the officiating minister, should reflect that commitment.

Music: Music should be reverent and Christ-honouring, not worldly or frivolous.

Vows: Vows should be taken with the couple’s full understanding that the words they speak to one another constitute a lifetime commitment and with the knowledge that what they promise to one another, they are promising to God.

Message: The message delivered by the pastor should reflect these truths and commitment.

Dressing: The bridal gown and bridesmaids’ dresses should be modest and appropriate for standing before God (Philippians 4:5). There is no room for low cut/revealing clothing in a Christ-honouring ceremony.

Reception: If there is a reception, it should be equally Christ honouring ceremony. Alcohol should not be permitted at a Christian wedding reception.

The primary difference between a Christian wedding and non-Christian wedding is Christ.


Churches are special places and there are some things about a church wedding that you just cannot get anywhere else. A church wedding will add a spiritual dimension to your marriage. God’s blessings is the main attraction for many couple’s, whatever their beliefs. Christian wedding establishes a spiritual foundation for the couple’s children. Indeed a Christian wedding-whether large or small-should signify that Christ will become the centre piece of the new home and that both partners resolve to become more like Christ so they can develop a strong and vibrant Christian marriage.

A Christian wedding that is supported by prayer and careful planning may result in young people seeing God’s divine plan for marriage and give married couples an opportunity to renew their vows as they watch the bride and groom pledge their solemn oaths to each other. A couple whose wedding is Christ honouring will remember the beauty and seriousness of the wedding for a lifetime and will find it a wonderful way to begin their life together.

When biblical principles are applied to a Christian wedding ceremony, those principles follow the couple throughout their lives and provide a strong and lasting foundation for life.

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