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MEMORY VERSE: “And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.” – James 3:18 (KJV)


BIBLE PASSAGE: Galatians 5:16-18 (KJV) 


LESSON INTRODUCTION: The life of the Christian is a constant battle between our sinful nature and our new nature in Christ (Gal.5:17). Unfortunately, just because we have accepted Christ does not mean we are automatically immune to sinful temptations (Rom.7:14-25). Sometimes, it may feel like we are trapped in a desire to reach for the sinful thing rather than the godly thing. This does not always have to be the case. We can overcome the flesh.






Now that we are in Christ, we have the power to conquer the sinful desires of the flesh (2Cor.5:17; Rom.8:37). The very presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts means we can now choose godliness over sinfulness (Phil.1:22). The choice is 100% OURS (Deut.30:19). We are no longer a slave to our sinful nature (Rom.6:14, 18). We can choose love over hate, patience over hostile frustration, faithfulness over disloyalty, self-control over lustful desires…etc. This is the beauty of having the Holy Spirit-He gives us the POWER to fight (Phil.2:13; 4:13). All we must do to tap into that power is to practice obedience to God’s word and His direction (Jn.15:4, 10, 14; Col.3:16; Ps.1:2-3).

CLASS ACTIVITY 1: The class should discuss the thin line between our emotions and exhibiting the fruit of the spirit.



Some Christians have asked if it is possible to produce all the components of the fruit of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This seems like a lot to work on. First, we should remember that God will not give us a load we cannot bear (Matt.11:29-30). Second, the ‘yoke’ of bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit is not just possible, it is mandatory (Lk.1:37; Matt.5:48). However, since the enemies of our salvation – the devil and the flesh – will not give up easily on us, we are bound to face the temptation of yielding to sin occasionally (1Pet.5:8-10).

We must continue to work at attaining perfection (Phil.2:12), surrender totally to the dictates of the Holy Spirit and resist the devil (Jam.4:7). The Apostle Paul charges believers to make no provision for the flesh (Rom.13:14). Let us keep working at bearing all the components of the fruit of the Spirit; it is possible (Phil.4:13). We must daily, take steps to nurture our relationship with Jesus so that we can grow to look more like Him in His manner, attitude and actions (Heb.12:2; Phil.2:5).


CLASS ACTIVITY 2: The class should mention other practical steps a believer can take to produce all the fruit of the Spirit.


CONCLUSION: Though we may struggle and fail, we will surely conquer the flesh and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We ought to daily strive for, work for, and yearn for the fruit of the Spirit.


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