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For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”1Timothy 6:10

BIBLE PASSAGE: Deuteronomy 28: 1-13



Money is the major means of catering for our everyday needs, and it is capable of meeting virtually all physical needs. One major reason a couple might get divorced is financial disagreement. This is exceedingly difficult to believe until one begins to feel the strong tide of financial tensions in the home. Usually, the conflict may not appear to be directly about money, but a closer look would reveal that it is linked to disputes about spending priorities, values, dreams, and trusts which are all linked with finances. The Bible warns us about our attitude towards money 1 Tim.6:10.









God owns all riches Hag. 2:8. It is His desire that His children prosper 3 Jn. 2; Ps. 1:3. He gives us the power to get wealth Deut 8:18; Isa. 45:3. Money in marriage should not be individually owned Whatever God has joined together, money should not separate Matt. 19:4-6; Eph. 5:29-32. Whatever the husband earns belongs to the wife and vice versa. This is because the husband and his wife are one flesh Eph. 5:31; Gen 2:24. In marriage, one’s financial policy or principle should be entirely different from when one is single. There are new financial demands apart from providing for two instead of one. Our order of priority in terms of needs would change. Therefore, in Christian marriage, money should no longer be YOURS AND MINE BUT OURS.



Financial success in marriage demands honesty and total trust between the spouses 1Cor.13:7. There should be no lies about income and expenses Col. 3:9 or withholding of spending information. For some, shared bank account and pay cheques to remove doubt and encourage mutual trust. For others, separate accounts with openness and sincerity, work Matt. 19:5-6. What is important, irrespective of the class of account couples decide to adopt, is to relate with one another in honesty, openness, trust, and understanding.



Money, if rightly handled and managed in marriage, will act as a lubricant to the overall success of the marriage. The mishandling or mismanagement of money will wreck the home and could be the root of a broken marriage 1Tim. 6:10.


FURTHER READINGS – Mon: Matt.19:6. Tues: 1 Tim.4:1. Wed: Rom. 13:9. Thurs: 1 John 1:6. Fri: Rev.21:8. Sat: Jas. 5:12. Sun: Ex.23:2.



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