MEMORY VERSE: “i will praise thee, o lord my God, with all my heart: and i will glorify thy name for evermore.”Psalm 86:12.
BIBLE PASSAGE: Psalms 67:3-7 .
Welcome to the new year 2025, we want to give glory to the Almighty God for all He did for us in the previous years, we are confident that this will be a glorious year for each one of us in Jesus’ name Amen. Happy new year to you all, enjoy the lessons set out in this manual. In our day to day dealing with ourselves, appreciation and praises are considered very important especially when we receive help from anyone. This show of appreciation usually acts as an impetus to receiving similar help in the future. As Christians, we should know that God loves us more than our earthly parents. To reciprocate this love, we should praise God no matter the circumstances. One principle a Christian should learn is ho to develop the habit of praising God Psalm 34:1.
The attributes of God are sufficient reasons for us to praise Him. That is one reason the angels praise God continuously Isaiah 6:3. God’s holiness is linked with His glory Exodus 15:11. We should praise God for His goodness and His wonderful works Psalm 107:8, His righteousness psalm 7:17, His jealousy and His sovereignty over all things Exodus 34:14. He is the only God that should be worshipped Exodus 20:3-4.
If we want our lives to be full of miracles and wonders, it is necessary that we praise God Psalm 67:5- 7. When we praise God, we have victories over our enemies Psalm 18:3; 2 Chronicles 20:22. Praise is an acceptable sacrifice before God Hebrews 13:15.
God iS the ultimate indisputable ruler over all mankind, yet He accepts praise only from those who draw near to Him in holiness and repentance James 4:8; Psalm 24:3-5; 1 Samuel 2:30; Proverbs 8:17. To offer an acceptable praise to God, it is necessary to be a child of God John 4:23-24. We must confess our sins to God and repent from them 1 John 1:8-9. It is after this that our sacrifice of praise can be acceptable to God Romans 12:1.
Praising God is one way we can please Him. So, give Him quality praise.
SUN: Luke 2:13.
MON: Acts 3:8-9.
TUES: Psalm 148:1-14.
WED: Psalm 150:1-6.
THURS: Psalm 145:11.
FRI: Proverbs 27:2.
SAT: Isaiah 60:18.
Happy new year, thank you for always posting
same to you, uwc