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MEMORY VERSE: “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2.

BIBLE PASSAGE: Romans 10:13-15


One ministry assignment that every believer has been called to do is to reconcile people to God through intentional witnessing of Christ or evangelism 2 Corinthians 5:17-18. It is the act of preaching the gospel for the purpose of sharing the message and teachings of Jesus Christ to all those around us in our communities irrespective of their ethnicity. In simple terms, evangelism on the go is to be busy, active, and innovative with the preaching of the gospel of Jesus. Different channels must be employed to reach the lost with the gospel of salvation. The preaching of the gospel is a serious spiritual commission assigned to us by the master. It must be consciously, consistently, and conscientiously done by all believers.





The preaching of the gospel to the spiritually lost is so important that Jesus said he was specifically anointed by his father for this purpose Luke 4:18. He also reiterated this point in Luke 4:43 when He said preaching the kingdom of God is compulsory for Him because that was why He was sent into this world. God is so concerned for the lost because He does not want any spiritually lost to perish in hell Matthew 18:14. Jesus also said He came to the world to save the lost Matthew 18:11. Jesus in the parable of the lost sheep, illustrated the importance of a soul when the shepherd left 99 sheep to go after one lost sheep- soul Matthew 18:12. Speaking of how it is necessary for him to preach the gospel, apostle Paul placed a curse on himself, if he failed to preach the gospel 1 Corinthians 9:16. He also boldly declared that he was sent to preach the gospel 1 Corinthians 1:17a. The value of a soul is so much that there is rejoicing in heaven when one soul repents of their evil ways and turns to god Luke 15:7.


Preaching the gospel to the lost is a serious occupation Jesus handed to his followers, when He gave the command to go in Mark 16:15. This kingdom business must be done with zeal and divine wisdom John 4:34; Ecclesiastes 10:10. It is an all -time trade Luke 9:60. There is no room for giving up in this occupation of witnessing Jesus Acts 5:42.

As a good businessman, you must be strategic, creative and seize every opportunity to talk to people about Jesus Acts 26:27-29; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. This business must be done sacrificially, it may not be convenient at times, but you must still go ahead and witness Jesus 2 Timothy 4:2. As a business is driven by focus, the goal of evangelism is to make Jesus known, and win souls for him 1 Corinthians 2:2; Romans 1:14-15. Business owners attract people to themselves using various strategies; so, you must live in such a way that everything you do preaches Jesus to others; live evangelism Galatians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 11:1. This business must flourish in your hand as you continue to witness about Christ to souls Acts 8:5-6; Daniel 12:3.

A successful business goes beyond a generation; in the same vein, the witness of Christ must go to the next generation 2 Timothy 1:5; 2:2. God must be at the heart of every successful evangelism effort; therefore,intensive prayer is needed. The trademark of this business is Jesus, who is the sole message Colossians 1:27-28. Time is of the essence in business, do not waste any opportunity for preaching Jesus to the lost John 4:35.


Evangelism is a serious kingdom business. Be actively involved.


SUN:Jonah 3:2
MON: Matthew 4:17
TUE: Matthew 10:7
WED: Luke 4:18
THUR: Acts 10:42
FRI: Romans 10:8
SAT: 2 Timothy 4:2


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