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MEMORY VERSE:“Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered thou sayest that i am a king. To this end was i born, and for this cause came i into the world, that i should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.” John 18:37.

BIBLE PASSAGE: Philippians 3:12-14.


God does not waste resources. Hence, everything He created is for a purpose. The sun gives light and never ceases to shine Psalm 136:7-9, the cloud gives rain in due season and trees provide food and shade accordingly Leviticus 26:4. Other animals play their parts without hesitation. Amazingly, man struggles to understand and fulfil his purpose for living. The discovery, as well as fulfilment of divine purpose, is the focus of today’s lesson.





Like Apostle Paul, once you become a new creation in Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17, you must begin to crave the understanding of your purpose for living on earth Philippians 3:12. That purpose has been predetermined by God before you were born Jeremiah 1:54, Galatians 1:15. It is your duty to discover and fulfil it.

Here are some practical clues to help you identify your purpose for living:

  1. Potential: You need to identify your in-built ability, your talents, and God-given gifts Ephesians 4:7. Find out the things you do with less stress e.g; singing, drawing, talking to a crowd, helping others etc.The knowledge or skills you acquire in life should shape and sharpen your potential Acts 7:22.
  2. Passion: What are those things you have exceptional flare or zeal for, and do often and often? Build your vocation or career on such things. The things that get you excited, gives you joy, and satisfaction can lead you to the fulfilment of your purpose in life Psalm 69:9, Colossians 4:12-13.
  3. Prayer: After you have identified your potential(S) and the thing(s) you are passionate about, you need to pray for divine guidance and direction, so that the world and the enemy will not hijack your purpose in life Acts 9:1-2; 10:9-20.


These seven things will help every child of God fulfil purpose in life.

  1. Ask God to reveal to you His plan for your life Jeremiah 1:4-5. Then, draw up a personal vision and mission statement Proverbs 29:18,Habakkuk 2:2.
  2. Set achievable goals and pursue them Acts 20:24; Psalm 57:7. Take a step at a time and do not be a mediocre Psalm 37:23, Hebrews 6:1
  3. Identify and relate with people of like passion: learn from their mistakes and build on their success 2 kings 2:1-2, 14.
  4. Submit yourself for mentoring and counselling: do not claim to know it all Acts 18:24-26; Proverbs 11:14, 15:22.
  5. Live as if you have just one more day on earth: do not procrastinate Luke 9:61-62.
  6. Focus your attention on doing all things to please God Hebrews 12:2, Colossians 1:10.
  7. Always return all the glory to God: do not ascribe anything to yourself Malachi 2:2, Daniel 4:30-34.


So many people live and die without making any meaningful impact. Be different fulfil your purpose for creation. You are not a nobody!


SUN: Malachi 2:2
MON: 2 Corinthians 5:15
TUE: Jeremiah 1:5
WED: Ephesians 4:7
THUR: Acts 9:1
FRI: Acts 20:24
SAT: Proverbs 11:14




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