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MEMORY VERSE:“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

BIBLE PASSAGE: Leviticus 19:9-10


God’s relationship with man is characterised by His holiness, justice, love, and mercy among others. Our relationships with one another and the society must be patterned according to the character of God Matt. 22:36-39. Therefore, it is our responsibility as God’s people to care for those around us 1 Jn. 3:10. The efforts and activities of the church to show love and alleviate the sufferings of the people in her immediate environment/community is termed Christian Social Responsibility.








Christian Social Responsibility (CSR) is a faith-based obligation to meet societal needs through the demonstration of love that positively impacts communities and individuals. CSR has its roots in Christianity and the Church is meant to be an example for the world to follow Matt. 5:16. It is an initiative for community relations and to partner with the government in achieving the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

CSR could be in the areas of provision of basic social amenities, daily sustenance like food parcels to the needy in society, healthcare deliver facilities, education, media, business support, art/entertainmen governance, sports, etc. It involves strategically assessing the needs of the community and developing appropriate structure programmes to cater for them. CSR is a core part of the ministry of the Church. It is not a 21st century concept; it has its origin in the Bible. For instance, Lev 19:9-10; 23:22 instructs us to always make provisions for the needy out of our income. In Matt. 25:31-46, Jesus taught it as essential to entering the kingdom of God. Furthermore, in Matt 14:15-21, He demonstrated the need for CSR when He fed five thousand men (besides women and children). Also, the Christians in the early Church distributed their wealth to take care of those in need Acts 2:44-45.



The benefits of Christian Social Responsibility to the Church and the world are numerous: 

  1. It enables people to see and know the meaning of the love of God 1 Jn. 3:16-18.


  1. It meets the needs of the less privileged in the society.


  1. It promotes evangelism and entrenches the Church of God in the hearts and minds of the people we come across Matt. 5:16.
  2. It embraces responsibility for sustainable actions and encourages a positive impact on the environment Mk. 12:33.


  1. It compliments government’s efforts in improving and sustaining the standard of living of people in their immediate community Jam. 2:14-16.


  1. It will enable the church to build a good relationship with the community Gal. 6:10.


  1. It helps the believer to represent Jesus physically in their community Prov. 13:17; 2 Cor. 5:20.
  2. It can open the door for the individual Christian and even the Church to share the Gospel of Jesus and thus win people to the kingdom.




Christian Social Responsibility is not to seek commendation from men but to show the love of Christ and be a blessing to our community. 


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