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MEMORY VERSE: And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”Genesis 2:7.

BIBLE PASSAGE: Ezekiel 18:4-9.


God created the intangible being (soul), fashioned in the similitude of the godhead with the divine nature and ability of dominion over all other creation of God Genesis 1:26-27. However, the soul, on its own, could not handle or use the things in the physical world because he was intangible. This situation therefore requires that provision be made for a container (physical body) through which the soul can operate and relate with the physical world. Hence, the forming of man from the dust of the ground Genesis 2:7a. The man, now body and soul, was inactive until God breathed life into its nostril and man became a living soul Genesis 2:7; Job 33:4.





God’s image imprinted on His creation, man before the fall, consists in these three things:
1.In the divine nature and constitution of the soul, (for God has no physical body). The soul bears God’s image. The soul is an intelligent immortal intangible being Man resembles God in creativity and will power.
2.In the positioning of mankind as head of all other creations in position and authority. Man is God’s representative on earth in authority
and dominion.
3.In mankind’s purity and integrity. God’s image upon uncorrupted man consists in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness Colossian 3:10. Man was made upright Ecclesiastes.7:29. He understood divine things clearly and there was no deficiency in his knowledge Genesis 2:19. Mankind’s will complied readily and universally with the will of God, without resistance. He had no inordinate appetites,passions, or vain thoughts.


The scripture suggests that man is a tripartite being – spirit, soul, and body 1 Thessalonians 5:23. These three dimensions of man are all important. The spirit of man is that breath that God released into the man He formed to make him alive. This is why that spirit (breath) returns to God the giver when man dies.

The soul of man is an intangible being. It gives a man personality, self- awareness, consciousness, ability to think rationally, and natural feeling It is with the soul that man receives salvation Mark 8:36; Psalm 19:7a The spirit will guide the saved/regenerated soul of man to worship God acceptably John 4:24. It is the soul that will stand in judgment Hebrews 9:27; 2 Corinthians 5:10. There are two possible destinations for the soul; Heaven or Hell. When a true believer in Christ dies, the soul goes to Heaven while the soul of an
unrepentant sinner goes to Hell Daniel 12:2; Ezekiel 18:4c.

The human body is a physical being made from clay. It is temporal and becomes lifeless when the spirit (breath) is no longer active. It helps the soul to relate physically with the world. It is the body that gets tired and sleepy. When a man dies, the body (with time) decays in the ground Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 3:20. We move around using the body to propagate God’s kingdom here on earth.


The three dimensions of man are all important. However, it must be noted that it is the soul that will stand in judgment.


SUN: Genesis 3:13.
MON:Romans 5:12..
TUE: Ecclesiastes 1:13.
WED: 2 Corinthians 3:17.
THUR: 1 Thessalonians 3:13.
FRI: Genesis 1:27
SAT: Romans 12:2.

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